Mitenkähän paljon ihmiset voivat oppia toisiltaan vain olemassa yhdessä?

Mitenkähän paljon ihminen voi oppia toisilta ihmisiltä vain olemalla heidän kanssaan, keskustelemalla, syömällä, nauramalla ja vierailemalla toistensa luona? Meidän vastauksemme tähän kysymykseen on yksiselitteinen: oppia voi loputtomasti! Kävimme keväällä 2024 Moshissa ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajien kouluttajina. Totesimme silloin, että eniten oppia ja osaamista hankimme me kouluttajat, eivät koulutettavat opettajat. ( ) Samanlainen kokemus meillä on […]

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Tanzanian teachers learned a lot from Oulu

Kilimanjaro VET project’s Tanzanian partners visited Oulu from September 9th to 14th, 2024. Here’s a photo report of the fruitful study visit.                                       Photos by Kilimanjaro VET project consortium. Report prepared by Johanna Pelkonen (OSAO)

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Creating a common understanding of the concept of “competence”

Kimmo Kuortti and Iiris Happo from OAMK (Oulu University of Applied Sciences) share their experiences and emotions from the Kilimanjaro VET project. Here’s a short quote from their story: “..the core group of eight teachers have been working together in webinars designed to create a common understanding of the concept of “competence”, what it means […]

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Successful meeting sets the stage for summer

On 6th of June the Kilimanjaro VET partners held a successful online consortium meeting, discussing key updates and plans for the coming months. „We’ve been having really good and very nice webinars,” explained OAMK’s Kimmo Kuortti on the progress done in work package that deals with improving the pedagogical and digital skills of Tanzanian teachers. […]

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Strengthening Vocational Education in Kilimanjaro

The Kilimanjaro VET project, a collaborative effort between Finnish, Estonian, and Tanzanian partners, is transforming vocational education in the Kilimanjaro region. Focusing on developing the pedagogical skills of vocational teachers and integrating entrepreneurship education, the project aims to enhance the socio-economic development of the region. Key highlights include innovative teaching methods and increased digital literacy. […]

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New Laptops Enhance the Work of Tanzanian Teachers

Thanks to the Erasmus+ project, teachers in the Kilimanjaro area have received new laptops that assist them in their professional work. The 25 laptops distributed in January 2024 are significantly improving teachers’ abilities to prepare for classes, research teaching materials, and communicate with parents. “Technology is growing rapidly worldwide, and institutions that provide technical education […]

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