Photo report: kick-off at Moshi

Kilimanjaro VET project partners met first time at project kick-off at Moshi from 12th to 15th of December. Here is a photo overview of the activities and happenings:

A symbol: Kilimanjaro mountain, the highest peak of Africa is visible from many places in Moshi.
Before arriving to Moshi, Finnish partners paid visit to VETA (Vocational Education and Training Authority) in Dar Es Salaam.
Visiting the Finnish Embassy at Dar Es Salaam to discuss the project.
First meeting at Moshi RSVTC. Group photo with the disctrict commisionner.
Beginning of the days at Kilimanjaro region. First meeting at Moshi RVTSC. Group photo with the district commissionner.
Ceremonial moment: signatures for the beginning or the project by Mrs Monica Mbelle (VETA Zonal director) and Mrs Merja Paloniemi (project coordinator, OSAO, Finland)
Ceremonial moment: opening of parking spots for the disabled drivers at VETA Moshi complex.
In order to commemorate the beginning of the project, European partners planted avocado and mango trees at the VETA Moshi. On the photo, Mrs Iiris Happo is planting mango for Oulu University of Applied Sciences.
Several Tanzanian media outlets were covering the opening of the project. Mr Louis Bonzon from Tanzania Volunteers is giving his comments.
Visit to the companies at the Small Industries Development Organisations (SIDO) grounds. SIDO is offering business development services to SMEs and is a partner and of Mawella VTC and Moshi RVTSC
Another company visit gave insights on how the local economy and labour market is functioning: teacher Mr Panu Toivonen from OSAO talks to local gardener at NEI Natural Extract Industries that produces vanilla extracts.
Presentation on the local economy at Kilimanjaro region was given by the chamber of commerce.
Thanks to the project Tanzanian teachers got smartphones to use in their teaching work. Meticulous effort was put in to get the paperwork in order.
Group photo of Tanzanian, Estonian and Finnish partners at the gate of Mawella VTC.
Estonian partners interviewed Tanzanian teachers about entrepreneurship curriculas, teaching methods and challenges. One of the aims of the project is to support entrepreneurship studies at Kilimanjaro VET colleges.
Mr Venance Kimaka introduces the premises of Mawella VTC.
Visiting the workshops at Hai VTC of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Student doing his assignment at computer lab.
The principal of Hai VTC Mr Reiner Kammleiter (middle) explaining how the vocational training is organised.
Discussions on the future activities of the project at Hai VTC. Lot of work will be done on teaching methodology, teacher skills and preparing teachers to work with the students with disabilities.
Final day of the kick-off at the premises of Tanzanian Volunteers at Moshi.
Group discussions on how the paperwork is organised at the project.
Tanzanian hospitality: Mr Louis Bonzon of Tanzania Volunteers presents the food for the last meal together of the kick-off.
The kick-off was full of forward-looking discussions, getting to know each other, many happy moments. The capacity building project Kilimanjaro VET will definitely have its impact on developing vocational education and training in Tanzania.