From 16.-20. of Sept 2024 Tanzanian project partners took part of a study visit to Saaremaa island, Estonia where among other things they learned about small businesses and AI.
Week before the visitors were hosted by Kilimanjaro VET partners in Oulu.
Here is a photo report from the memorable week full of new things and emotions:

First day at Kuressaare started with the presentation of Estonian VET system and Kuressaare Ametikool by the headmaster Neeme Rand.

Visit to textile workshop of Kuressaare Ametikool where teacher Anne Kolk showed the machinery and students works.

The mayor of Kuressaare and head of Saaremaa municipality Mr Mikk Tuisk gave overview of the beautiful sights on the island and the local governance

Tourism students guided a tour in Kuressaare town.

Evod Minja and Christowaya Mtinda enyoing sunny September afternoon near the Kuressaare castle.

First day ended with a dinner where the project team cooked the food together with the assistance of culinary arts students and teacher Risto Laanet.

Day tour to the small enterprises out of town took the study visitors to a company that produces juniper syrup. The logo, visuals and packaging has been designed by the students of Kuressaare Ametikool.

Francis Mbunda from ELCT and Debora Katuma from Moshi RVTSC introduced Tanzanian patterns, colors and basic garments of Masai tribe (shuka and kikoy) to Estonian students. Designer-stylists of Kuressaare Ametikool presented their sustainability-themed fashion collection made of used neoprene wetsuits.

Innovation sprint led by Erik Riige introduced design thinking for solving problems. The task was to create a marketing campaign for the Tanzanian schools.

Taavi Tuisk introduced AI tools (Google Gemini, Canva AI, to the Tanzanian teachers who could try out how AI responds to prompts in English and Swahili. Discussion also included the impacts of new technological tools to the education.

One outcome of the Kilimanjaro VET Project will be entrepreneurship module and teaching materials for Tanzanian VET providers. Progress and future steps for this were discussed with Ave Paaskivi, the project manager.

Last evening in Estonia was spent in the capital – Tallinn. The group photo of Tanzaninan visitors before heading to the airport after two weeks in Finland and Estonia. Niina Nissinen and Jarno Temonen.
ERR (Estonian public broadcasting) aired a story about the visit to Kuressaare in their main evening news program. Watch it here!